<< Finally, I get this diary started! >>

Today I'm feeling The current mood of babytales at www.imood.com

Firstly, let me apologise that I haven't done this daily since the day the little one was born. It's been hectic! Although the first few weeks she slept quite a lot between feeding, we've had people calling over, phone ringing, birthday's, garden fete's and a whole load of other things keeping me busy! Plus of course all those important times where we just played together. I can't seem to leave her alone when she's awake. I think it started when she was about 6 weeks old - she'd got used to falling asleep on her dad and nain's shoulders, so it became a habit - I'd have to have her on my shoulder in the day for her to sleep! The only time she'd sleep in her moses basket was at night! It then became a habit to me also, as she'd always want attention when awake, not in a bad way I hasten to add, she was just always on the go and still is!! If she's awake, she has to be doing something! I keep on buying new toys as I worry she's getting bored with what she has - there's only so much a 3 month old baby can do - when she starts sitting up, things will definitely change, as there's so many toys here ready for her to play with, you cannot believe! I will make sure I go back and record the important days as I can - I have dates recorded of when she had her first visitors, smile, laugh and a few others, memories that I will treasure for the rest of my life.

The little one scared one of my friends when she was only a month old - my friend works with baby speech and development from 6 months old onwards and when she visited, the little one was already 'babbling' to some extent - something babies usually don't do until they're older apparently and it shocked her that she was so advanced. What really scared her was that when the little one cries, she makes the sound "mam" as if she's crying out for me! About 4 weeks ago she started using the letter B, doing brrrr noises, the week after she started on G, with the noise grrrrr, but a couple of weeks ago she stopped those letters and went back to vowel noises, but then last week she started squeaking! It is so adorable - I've recorded it for her to hear when she's older.

OK, on to the first embarrassing story to recollect when she's older. The last couple of weeks she's started to trump herself awake! So much so, that it can take an hour to get her back to sleep in the night, and if it happens in her daytime nap, there's no way of getting her back to sleep! (it comes from her father's side of the family!!). As from yesterday, we started her on a new feed called Aptamil Extra which will hopefully sort this problem out as other parents have advised me it worked for them with similar problems. I have to say, so far so good, she likes the food and does seem to be a bit more settled so far - will see how she does tonight, fingers crossed!

Something we've started from the first week is what we read was best to do if trying to bring up a bilingual baby - that each parent speaks only one language to the child. Well no choice in that matter - hubby only speaking English and myself only Welsh, BUT when hubby's home, it's a bit hard to speak Welsh in front of him as I find it quite rude that he can't understand what I'm saying to the baby! So I revert to English most of the time, although he's already started to pick up the odd word or two.

When the little one was about 6 weeks old she started refusing her daytime naps and we started a routine when she started to yawn - have a change, sing a song, read a story, go to sleep. From this a song emerged from somewhere - I just made it up one day and it's stuck ever since. When she hears it now, she smiles. It's to the tune of Frere jacque (spellings probably completely wrong) and here it is: "Amser gwely, amser gwely, babi mam, babi mam, pwy sy'n mynd i gysgu?, pwy sy'n mynd i gysgu?, *baby's name*, *baby's name*". I've not put her name in there just now, as I'm not sure if I want that publicised on the web, even though she's had a website since she was 6 days old, I feel maybe this diary should be anonymous for now. I know the song's a bit naff, but she seem to like it :o) Plus it's some more words hubby's had to learn!

We didn't go anywhere today - had a day in, feeling a bit guilty now that I didn't even take her to the shop in the pram, but am so tired today - hubby went to work and came home at 2.30 and gave her a bath after her 3pm feed. Today she decided she hates baths and cried all the way through, but the second she was wrapped in a towel that beautiful smile and laugh came back again. Another thing she's started to do the last couple of weeks is watch tv! We usually watch tv when she's having a feed, but I've had to switch it off a few times recently, as she cranes her head around to try and watch it while she's feeding and it's impossible to keep the bottle in her mouth! She's also started to watch Betty (the dog!) intently if she's in her field of vision. She no longer looks at the mobile when she's in her swing either - I've had to coincide using her swing to having the cartoon channel on the tv.

She outgrew her moses basket at 8 weeks old! They told me it would last a few months, but we didn't know what a tall baby we were going to have! But, although she's outgrown it, we're still using it as a place for her to play with her toy arches but I think that will have to stop soon and we'll have to get the travel cot into the living room pretty soon for her play area as at the moment, she plays with her musical arch in her cot or on a blanket on the floor and I can't leave the room for fear of Betty licking her! I have to say though, Betty's been great - she's learnt straight away that she shouldn't do that, but all the same, you can never be careful with cats and dogs.

We've had to put a netting door on the bedroom since the little one arrived as Bob (the cat!) tries to sleep in the cot after getting himself muddy! He's now worked out how to open the net door, so we now have to block it with something (usually the washing basket).

From the day the little one came home, Betty started guarding her cot - to begin with, she'd lie on the corner of our bed and look over into the moses basket to keep an eye on her - unable to stop watching for one minute! Then, when anyone walked past the house she'd start barking and growling in the window until they'd gone. I'm sure she's become broody since the baby's been here!

Now, she tries to sneak into the bedroom whenever we're putting the little one to sleep and hides under the cot in the hope of being allowed to stay there.

I'm sorry I'm rambling so much at the moment, but trying to make up for 3 months and 3 weeks worth of things I haven't recorded. I really should go now though and have some tea as it's 9pm and we wake her up for a feed at 10.30pm. Well, I say WE, but as from yesterday, I'm trying to not be involved for this one feed, as find it so hard to be apart from the baby. Hubby's doing this feed now and I'm not coming in the room, you'll laugh now, but if I come in the room and she turns at me and smiles in recognition, I feel guilty if I'm not giving her attention, well, it's not just that - I also find it hard to not give her attention, because I WANT to, desperately. I have to be able to let go and let hubby give her a feed in peace! Although, I'm still behind the scenes getting the bottle ready, so I feel a bit involved. Everyone thinks I'm mad that I can't give her up for a few hours a day, but who'd want to? She's wonderful.

One day, I may be able to go out for a few hours and give her to my mum, we're working up to that slowly as hubby wants us to go to a work do of his in London overnight in 3 months time and the thought terrifies me! They talk about babies having separation anxiety in these tv programmes, but where's the advice for mums that feel the same?

Right, I really must go now, before I bore you to tears. I'll try my best to update this as often as possible. As soon as the blog website is set up this weekend I think it'll be easier to just pop on and do it when I'm checking my emails. Don't worry, they won't all be this long! I'm trying to make up for lost time at the moment! xxxxxxx


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