<< Crap, crap and more crap... >>

Today I'm feeling The current mood of babytales at www.imood.com

Last night I decided that I was going to have a nap on the couch and leave the bottles and 10.30pm feed to hubby. I woke at 1.45am to find him asleep on the chair in front of the TV, bottles unsterilised, baby unfed and dishes not done. Argghh!!

So, after waking him up and him going off to bed, I did half of the bottles and went to bed too. Needless to mention, the little one woke up at 5am absolutely starving and I�ve been on the go ever since. In between baby stuff, I�ve been cooking and pureeing as there was only one portion of food left in the freezer. Nevermind, I thought, hubby will take over at 6.30pm when he gets home��.

I gave him a ring at 5pm to ask him to pick a few things up on the way home�his phone was switched off. Tried again at 5.30 and again at 6�..still nothing. Then at 7pm he finally phoned to say he was stuck in a meeting. It was nearly 10pm when he got home and he couldn�t understand why I was pissed off that he was home so late and also had his phone switched off all evening (this also happened a few nights ago, but it was only until 8.30 I think that evening).

To top it all, he dropped another bombshell, he�s going away for four days at the beginning of December on a course with work. GREAT, not only are both the next weekends taken up with his family and stuff, but he�s then going away�so it�ll be at least 3 weeks until I get a day�s break�but oh no, couldn�t be that easy, he said he�s probably going to work the weekend after that too!! Arrggh!


Lilypie Baby Ticker

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Ouch! - Oct. 11, 2005
Cheekbones - Oct. 09, 2005
Is_This_Wrong? - Oct. 07, 2005
chair? - Oct. 06, 2005
diet - Oct. 05, 2005

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