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Today I'm feeling The current mood of babytales at www.imood.com

Carrying on from yesterday�s crap...

I didn�t get to sleep last night until about 2.30am, I was so angry and so upset. Maybe I read too much into things, but it didn�t help him coming home in a foul mood.

Things went from bad to worse this morning. Around 5.30am I jokingly told him he wasn�t allowed out of bed unless he gave me a proper hug. As I grabbed his hand to pull it around me, he threw his head forward to do something and ended up getting a split lip on my elbow. This all ended up being my fault! He couldn�t accept it was a bloody accident, shouted at me, then expected me to be ok when he left the house for work, I told him to piss off.

9am Phoned the shop that had told me they�d be getting little one�s Xmas present today - it hasn�t arrived.
�Could you tell me when you�re expecting it please?�
�No, I can�t�
�They don�t tell us what�s on any deliveries, we just take whatever comes off the truck�
�So it won�t be next week either?�
�We might not get it in at all�
More than someone�s job�s worth to be nice to customers then. Good thing I didn�t drive there to pick it up � its an hour each way.

11am queuing in Tesco�s for a professional baby photographer to take a photo of the little one. 12.30, it�s finally her turn. The photographer decided she wanted my daughter�s arms by her side for the photo. My daughter, being six months old, decides she wants her arms outstretched while she laughs � the photographer holds her arms down in front of her, telling me to keep them there! She also shouts at my mum to stop calling my daughter�s name and trying to get her smiling, as it�s her job! (Yes, my mum can be irritating, but it's my job to shout at her, no one else's!). And would anyone else shout at a 70year old customer as if she's stupid?

Needless to say, little one starts crying, I pick her up and say �sorry, but no photo�s worth upsetting my baby like this�.

I then ask her colleague if I can take her around in the trolley to calm her down while they do the next baby and then bring her back. The guy I spoke to was really abrupt and rude and said I�d have to go back to the end of the queue and start waiting all over again. Try explaining that to a 6month old � especially as her food�s due in an hour. If he�d been apologetic, and tried to see it from our point of view, I�d have understood, but he was nasty.

As I walked off, I couldn�t keep it in anymore, I had to make an excuse and leave my mum to pay for her shopping as I just wanted to burst into tears.

After getting the little one settled in the car with my mum I went back in.

�Do you have a business card?�
�Yes, here you go�
�Is it your business, or do you have a boss?�
�I have a boss�
�Well, tell him to expect a phone call from me�
�Because you wouldn�t let us come back�
At this point the photographer heard us and said, quite nicely, �but you can come back�. To which I told her, �No, he said we couldn�t, without queuing all over again� and left her open mouthed, even she couldn�t believe it.

Well, I�m now home and I managed to get the little one off to bed about half an hour ago. I thought to myself, I�ll just check my email then I�ll crawl into bed next to her cot. Doh!! Don�t ever check your email if you want to go for a rest!

Pain in the backside hubby decided to email me with an �apology�. Apology my arse, it�s more or less, "I�m sorry, but I�m doing this, so hard shit".

I do understand his job�s important, but so is my health and sanity. I�m still waiting for my appointment with a specialist at the hospital and I also have my incapacity medical in 2 weeks and it�s worrying me senseless. If I was just tired with the baby it would be ok, but I�m just not well either. Because they haven�t found out what�s wrong with me yet, he seems to think there�s nothing wrong with me.

Sorry, this diary�s been a real bitch and moan fest, I�ll try and cheer up for later. xxxxx


Lilypie Baby Ticker

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