<< And AGAIN!!!! >>

Today I'm feeling The current mood of babytales at www.imood.com

Yes, every entry I ever make seems to be, sorry for not posting for ages! lol

Thank you all for your messages, I've just been snowed under the last few months and this bloomin PNI is still lurking in the background creeping up on me every time I think I'm getting better.

I've not renewed my Gold membership with Diaryland, so apologise that the images will not show up on the rings I created - it won't let me edit the rings settings to change the URL of the image, even though I'm the one that owns the rings!? lol And I can't set up any new ones as I don't have Gold membership.

Some of you may remember that I'd started dieting last February, not long before I stopped posting here. Well...... So far I've lost 46 lbs!!!

It sounds great, but for the last month I've not lost anything as I've been really crap at keeping it up lol.

The little one's changed loads since I last posted too - she's now walking, well, trying to run, but stumbling and falling into everything, so now definately a toddler! Last night she ran head first into the TV, poor thing has a huge bump on her forehead.

She's also saying a few words now. Mam, Dad, Nain (Welsh for grandma) Teddy, Na (Welsh for no) and Yes. Isn't it strange that she picks up no in Welsh and yes in English? It must be that mum says no all the time and dad says yes lol.

She understands a lot of phrases now too and signs, although she isn't signing back much still.

I really will try to pop back here more often - it's going to take me AGES just to catch up with all your diaries!! Just give me a nudge if I go quiet for too long again!

Hope you're all well xxxxxxxxxxxx


Lilypie Baby Ticker

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Miss Anything?
Ouch! - Oct. 11, 2005
Cheekbones - Oct. 09, 2005
Is_This_Wrong? - Oct. 07, 2005
chair? - Oct. 06, 2005
diet - Oct. 05, 2005

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